Digital Gardening

Other than constant watering, who's playing in the garden in this summer heat? NOT ME! If you need a "flower fix", this is a good place to find it!

Use our blog to brag on your blooms (or at least the ones you had in cooler weather) by posting photos and comments. Ask questions of your fellow club members and share tips. You don't have to limit it to Daylilies...most of us garden addicts grow lots of other things as well. Between us all we have literally hundreds of years of experience (well, it's true). Let's take advantage of that and share our passion here. Most importantly, have fun!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Meeting this Sunday

Don't forget the meeting this Sunday. It starts at 2:30pm.


Becky said...

I'am so excited about attending my first meeting this Sunday, and learning some wonderful things about the Daylilys. I need all the help I can get, and I do thank Eddie, and others for responging to my emails on needing help and information. Thank you and looking foward to seeing you all on Sunday.
PS trying to understand how to do this.

Blessings Becky

Becky said...

I enjoyed the meeting Sunday, everyone is great. I will be glad when I learn everyone's name. I love it. Eddie Ray, what is it again that I buy to kill the spider mites, on my daylilys I will start taking notes. Looking foward to August Meeting.
ps. I did learn alot this Sunday, and know I will learn even more!!!

Blessings, Becky